Friday, July 11, 2014

Hello there bookworms, athletes, stalkers, druggies, satanists, Christians, agnostics, hates, loves and everyone else. It has been quite a long time since I've made a post. Before this post here my most recent post was back in 2012. I've made rare visits to to my blog. My grammatical game was most definitely not on point. It's funny how I still see my grammar skills inadequate. I know I've improved a little bit, though so cheers for me, wankers. I know that was random but, I couldn't help because UK Skins is one of the best series I've watched. Skins UK is a drama about a group of Juniors in high school he goes through obstacles like, Love, Drugs, Family issues and a bunch of other situations us teenagers go through. I love Skins because  most of the casts deals with their issues realistically in a teens perspective which made it easy for me to feel empathy for the characters. Adolescence is a very tough stage in life. and adults should try to take us more seriously and understand that we have a rough too.

Anyways, this blog right here was created because our former English teacher wanted us to do our writing assignments here. I found it really neat because it is really hard to lose your writing assignments. The blog work went along for a few months until my teacher got fired for not really monitoring or telling anyone about my treacherous blog posts on here. I felt really bad for him because It was my fault that he got caught because of my big mouth. I took a lot of pride in my writings so I told one of my other Teachers about it. She read them, printed copies of  them and showed them to m vice principle. She didn't do it to be a douche, she did it because she was really worried about me and if the stories were innuendos of suicidal thoughts and stuff along those lines. I can't blame her the stories were really graphic and gruesome with me being one of the main characters in some of the stories. It's easy to understand why other teacher was concerned heck I would be too if I had a student writing horrendous stories that had themselves in them. When I got called in my office to see my Vice Principle he was really anxious for me. He knew a shade of me though so he fought for me and was on my side. The head principle wanted to call health services to put me in isolation but no, My Favorite Vice Principle protected me and took my word for everything. He asked if I was suicidal and I said no I wasn't. he asked why'd I have myself die in the stories and I answered, [His name may be Nick but,my name is Nicholas and I can be talking about a different Nick, for instance, i could be talking about the NFL player Nick Collins from the Packers.]After an hour of supervision he finally let me out of his room where I found my best friend waiting for me. We walked to his house and my parents found out about it. My parents didn't really do much. A month later my English teacher was fired.