Friday, July 11, 2014

Hello there bookworms, athletes, stalkers, druggies, satanists, Christians, agnostics, hates, loves and everyone else. It has been quite a long time since I've made a post. Before this post here my most recent post was back in 2012. I've made rare visits to to my blog. My grammatical game was most definitely not on point. It's funny how I still see my grammar skills inadequate. I know I've improved a little bit, though so cheers for me, wankers. I know that was random but, I couldn't help because UK Skins is one of the best series I've watched. Skins UK is a drama about a group of Juniors in high school he goes through obstacles like, Love, Drugs, Family issues and a bunch of other situations us teenagers go through. I love Skins because  most of the casts deals with their issues realistically in a teens perspective which made it easy for me to feel empathy for the characters. Adolescence is a very tough stage in life. and adults should try to take us more seriously and understand that we have a rough too.

Anyways, this blog right here was created because our former English teacher wanted us to do our writing assignments here. I found it really neat because it is really hard to lose your writing assignments. The blog work went along for a few months until my teacher got fired for not really monitoring or telling anyone about my treacherous blog posts on here. I felt really bad for him because It was my fault that he got caught because of my big mouth. I took a lot of pride in my writings so I told one of my other Teachers about it. She read them, printed copies of  them and showed them to m vice principle. She didn't do it to be a douche, she did it because she was really worried about me and if the stories were innuendos of suicidal thoughts and stuff along those lines. I can't blame her the stories were really graphic and gruesome with me being one of the main characters in some of the stories. It's easy to understand why other teacher was concerned heck I would be too if I had a student writing horrendous stories that had themselves in them. When I got called in my office to see my Vice Principle he was really anxious for me. He knew a shade of me though so he fought for me and was on my side. The head principle wanted to call health services to put me in isolation but no, My Favorite Vice Principle protected me and took my word for everything. He asked if I was suicidal and I said no I wasn't. he asked why'd I have myself die in the stories and I answered, [His name may be Nick but,my name is Nicholas and I can be talking about a different Nick, for instance, i could be talking about the NFL player Nick Collins from the Packers.]After an hour of supervision he finally let me out of his room where I found my best friend waiting for me. We walked to his house and my parents found out about it. My parents didn't really do much. A month later my English teacher was fired.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CE]Turkey struggle.

I found this interesting news here

"Rescue teams are striving to reach many people believed to be trapped under rubble after an earthquake in eastern Turkey that killed at least 272 people and injured at least 1,300 people."
    Turkey has had it hard. 272 people killed and over 1000 injured is just horrible. I feel really bad about this and I hope people would donate lots of stuff to them like food,money, and clothes. You just think about how mother nature is a complete ass to us. First, 1906 eathquake back in frisco, earthquake in Japan that caused the Tsunami and now this terrible earthquake in Turkey. This makes me just want to spit at mother nature in her face. Natural disasters in this world hasn't ever stopped. And California is lucky we haven't had no big earthquakes in over a hundred years.
    A lot of people take this world for granted , but they won't when all these natural disasters take away there home, family or even there life. I hope Turkey reset's and collect there selves from this tragedy.  Now it's got the world thinking. If I was rich I would make this big globe that's indestructible to my country not be effected by hurricanes and disasters. To avoid earthquakes I would also make this structure underground so when the cement breaks we won't fall down to the ground or something like that. I don't know they're are a few ideas that might attempt of doing if I become a multimillionaire or something. Right now lets pray for Turkey and hope that they recover from this disaster that has poured upon them. Thank god that the Rescue teams has come and are attempting to rescue all those people who are injured right now, that is the first step of recovering.

Dream deferred

     What happens to a dream deferred? Well, I was suppose to play for my school Junior Varsity football team this year but I couldn't because my grades were bad. It made me regret all the foolishness I did and the most foolishness was me not doing my homework and not caring about any of my school work for some of my classes. It was mainly my fault because in February I gave up on Math and I knew I wouldn't bring it up. My whole mind set on JV is gone, but Mr. Hardin really killed it because he said if I do all this make up work which I did he would bring my F to a D. I guess it was because I was a really bad student.
     This is an upset because I really wanted to play Junior Varsity. Now, I don't know how it is to put on pads and shells and a helmet. I'm out of football shape. All I can do is run for a long period of time, but my strength is gone. Every time I see football game at school it's like I'm in this world alone and there's just another figure that looks like me that stabs me in the heart. That's how much I blame myself for this and that's how much it hurts not playing football. Now, my dream set is reviving because if I keep my grades up like they are right now, I will make my return next year on the team and nothing is stopping this from me.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

RE] Rakland Oaiders.

I found this quote from Jackson's blog
 "The Texans QB scrambled left and threw up a lob ball for the end zone when Mike Huff saved the day with an interception with no time left and the Raiders winning in dramatic fashion for their owner Al Davis who died one day before this game. "
      First of all, that was a very dramatic game the Raiders have played, since Al Davis died a day before that game.  Al Davis said to Just Win Baby and we did 5 points. I'm proud that we won that game. Funny  thing we only have 10 defenders on the filled on the final play when Mike Huff intercepted it. People and I in fact believe that there wasn't 10 defenders on the field , we believe that Al Davis was with us on that last play, that he was our 11th man. We get ready as we set off to win a divisional game this Sunday and go 7-0 on our division. The Kansa City Chiefs can't handle us, especially on home turf. We won every home game so far except for the Patriots game. RAIDER NATION. I love the Raiders, I'm a die hard Raiders fun, two dramatic wins in a row, lets make this a third win. We will win all for you Mr. Davis.
      Oh yes, we are blessed. Winning two games straight after Al Davis death. He is our motivation. This year we're off to the superbowl. RAIDERS YEAR OF 2012. I could see it. With our great defense and unpredictable offense we will make to the super bowl, having our 4th super bowl championship win of the Raiders Franchise. All the haters are going to stop hating and go on our band wagon, watch. All those people who says, "Raiders weak! , The raiders suck." will feel retarded when we win the super bowl. I will get in there face and make fun of there teams and fun of them and especially the band wagons.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

CE] Kidnapped ):

   I found this disturbing event here

     Samalies been kid napping foreign women from Kenya. They have for four times in the last two month. They have kidnapped two spanish aid-workers , a disabled french women and kidnapped a wife after killing her husband.  It's obvious that they're kid napping foreigners because you don't here Kenyans getting kid napped . I think the Samalies are kid napping these people for money, or for a trap.
     I really think what there doing is wrong because they're innocent people being abducted and killed.      What can they possibly do to harm you, or at least after you checked. If they check them it wouldn't be a problem. I bet you one of them is thinking like they shouldn't trust them. But in the other hand, they probably just want to show that no one other than Africans are aloud there, that they want no part of foreign people. Abducting people without them doing absolutely nothing to you is a sign of, "HEY FOREIGN PEOPLE, GO HOME , WE DON;T WANT YOU HERE." Still they are wrong for kidnapping and killing because in God eyes we're all brothers and sisters. Hopefully people would put an end to this kid napping party because it could be possibly breaking there families apart. Those girls right now who are abducted could be suffering right now. They could either be abused, made fun of, being raped right now and a lot of other crucial and harsh things. I hope for something to happen to corrupt the Samalie's plans of kidnapping. Where's a hero when we need it?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Free] Pissed..

     I'm pissed. I'm slowly losing hope for the Raiders now. Why is that? Jason Campbell is mostly likely out for the season. He was doing great. We never had the record 4-2 in a long time since 2002 , I think. Everything was going great for us. He was my biggest hope. And now it's McFadden. The whole team needs to step up. Jason Campbell was Top 10 ranked this year so far, now all of that gone. It's up to Rusty Kyle Boller. Lets see what the veteran's going to do. I hope he does good and I hope Terelle Pryor gets some playing time as well. It's his time to shine too. I wish for Jason Campbell to recover as fast as he can. He is getting a surgery today and is out from 4-10 weeks.
    I know it's football, everyone's going to get injured. But it's not fair how it's always our QB's getting injured and that really pisses me off. Because after Gannon had left it took us 8 years to find a good Quarter Back like Jason Campbell. As soon as we picked him up I knew we was going somewhere and we did last year. We went 6-0 in our division, we didn't end the season in a  losing record and we actually have a winning record to start out this year. I'm happy for Jason Campbell, he's my favorite Quarter Back. I'm also happy for the team too and Hue Jackson. All do respect I hope you heal up as fast as you can. You fought hard, soldier.