Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Dream deferred

     What happens to a dream deferred? Well, I was suppose to play for my school Junior Varsity football team this year but I couldn't because my grades were bad. It made me regret all the foolishness I did and the most foolishness was me not doing my homework and not caring about any of my school work for some of my classes. It was mainly my fault because in February I gave up on Math and I knew I wouldn't bring it up. My whole mind set on JV is gone, but Mr. Hardin really killed it because he said if I do all this make up work which I did he would bring my F to a D. I guess it was because I was a really bad student.
     This is an upset because I really wanted to play Junior Varsity. Now, I don't know how it is to put on pads and shells and a helmet. I'm out of football shape. All I can do is run for a long period of time, but my strength is gone. Every time I see football game at school it's like I'm in this world alone and there's just another figure that looks like me that stabs me in the heart. That's how much I blame myself for this and that's how much it hurts not playing football. Now, my dream set is reviving because if I keep my grades up like they are right now, I will make my return next year on the team and nothing is stopping this from me.

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