Wednesday, October 12, 2011

CE] Revnge

I found this interesting story here.
     "Abdulmutallab is accused of trying to kill nearly 300 people by igniting explosives sewn into his underwear."

     Abdulmutallab, a Nigerian man was blamed for attempting to blow up a bomb that was in his underwear aboard in the Us Airliner on Christmas Day 2009. He admits that he is guilty to this act of terrorism and other felonies. He was trying to do this because it would fulfill his religious duty by participating in the act of jihad against US. Abdulmutallab wanted to kill all these people to get even. To get revenge for the innocent Muslims that was killed in Yemen, Afghanistan and other places. 
     I understand where this man is getting at. If someone killed my family, I would want to go out and kill there family, without no hesitation, especially if they were innocent. Do you know how much pain all those people went to finding out there own people dying without no reason. That all was innocent. Yeah if some other religion killed people from my religion, I'd probably hate that religion who has killed people who has mine but I wouldn't go off and try to be equal and have innocent people die. I'd just try to kill the person , or people I know who did this. If I was him I wouldn't have done nothing. I would of just hate Americans for what they did to my people and not deal with anything. I only would kill them if I know for a fact they did it. But there's lots of them in this world we could only know if they did  it if we were there. I really can't disagree that much with Abdulmutallab because I would feel the same way if some people killed my own people even when they're completely innocent.

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