Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I found this quote from Trevor's blog
"They say they want to kick it and stuff before anything serious. I get that. So you make plans to hang out but then they don't show up."
   Ain't that mean?  I hate when people make plans and they cat on you meaning they diss you or make excuses to hang out with someone else or to not just hang out with you. If they really wanted to hang out with you they would postponed the lunch or whatever to another day. But if they don't they obviously just want to escape from you. This makes me angry inside because it makes me and people in general bad and a loser. Come on now why make a plan or agree on one when you're going to ditch them and not even postpone it? People who do this kinda don't have no heart if you think about it.
   Like especially if they ditch you right in front of your face. One time I was talking to someone and these guys she din't even know called her and she just left me while i was talking to her face to face. She JUST LEFT! How could you do that. When people get ditched on they lose self esteem and confidence for yourself. This why I myself is kinda shy at the moment to make new friends. When this happens to you it makes you think twice about things that has to do with mingling people. Right now all I want to do is hang out with the same friends for lunch and outside of school. No new people. But hopefully I'll get over it and think that it's not me it's just the person. It's just a horrible expierience that everybody will probably go through, if you haven't you're a lucky person. I could tell where Trevor's going with this.

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