Thursday, October 13, 2011

FP] Bellintellia

     "Why can't I control myself? I feel guilty for this. All I want to do is hurt and kill people, but I'm not even mad at the moment. I don't like this feeling. There's always a high pitched voice in my head telling me to do crazy and horrible things. I think about this all night. It won't go away.  I won't let these thoughts take over me because I'll take over it." Bellamy said to himself while looking at his mirror that glows around the glass on and off because the batteries are low. Bellamy starts to breathe harder and rubs his eyes until the white part of his eye balls turn pink with little shades of red. Suddenly a new sensational feeling comes bursting through him. "I want to kill, I want to hurt." The thoughts that worried Bellamy has reversed."This feels good..thinking about killing people is a nice. Especially when you have the advantage like I do. Interia..Right. I must. I want to.. Fucking Interia, She broke my heart..I'm going to forsure kill her.." The mirror then started to light up for a moment then finally shuts down completely. "I have all this power, why not use it for destruction? I'm tired of holding it in. I'm going to kill her, now."
     Bellamy teleports in front of Interia's house. He stood there looking at her house smiling widely while tears came out. Oh no not tears of joy, but tears of sorrow and sadness. He wipes them off and then his eyes darken as his body transforms into Interia. Having every feature of the girl he starts laughing until he coughed multiple times. Now Bellamy teleports into Interia's house. "Hmm, who's going to die first." Bellamy said to his self. Bellamy grabs a knife and puts it in his pocket, then goes up to her parents room, silently. He closes the door slowly and then locks it. "Damn what the fuck do I do to keep Interia from hearing the noise they will make. Think..think.. think." Bellamy yelled to himself in his head. He starts smirking as he took out his ipod and plays a song really loud, waking up the parents. "What are you doing?" The mom said. "Turned that off!" The dad said. The dad walked over to Bellamy. Bellamy then teleported behind him, stabbing him repeatedly in the skull. After the dad fell, Bellamy downs the knife into his throat. The Mom is in shock screaming and crying. But the music was to loud so no one but Bellamy could here her, all that was to be heard was the beautiful song that was playing. He then goes to the Mom and pulls her from the corner to the closet."Haha, ooh no, is that a lighter I see here? You shouldn't smoke." Bellamy then grabs the lighter and starts burning her face in different areas while she screamed and tried fighting back. "Shut the fuck up!" Bellamy yelled as he started to stomp on her ankles multiple times while she was screaming so loudly and after that he took the lamp from the counter and smashed it against her skull  He then grabs his ipod and heads off to Interia's room. After kicking the door to enter the room Bellamy threw the ipod that was still playing into the bed so she'd wake up. Her eyes opened and then she began to scream. "Who are you!?." Interia asked with fear. "Take a guess." Bellamy said while transferring back to his old self, smiling mischievously. "Why!?" Interia asked while crying. "You fucking broke my heart. I can't ever get over you and  you just don't care. Well Now, I want you to die. I hate you so much." Bellamy shouted as he grabs her neck and picks her up only with the grip of her neck. His eyes turned white while she said sorry multiple times. Tears came out of Bellamy's eyes. Then he dropped Interia on her bed. He then teleports to the kitchen , then back to Interia's room with a knife. "I'm so sorry..please don't kill me.." Interia pleaded. "I won't kill you hun." Bellamy said while more tears fell from his eyes. He opens his mouth and puts his head up with his eyes widen, then shoves the knife down his throat. Interia runs to him hugging him while he drops to the ground. "No..No..I'm so sorry." Interia said repeatedly while crying.. And the song still went on while Interia cried on Dead Bellamy's chest. "You are a Cinema , a Hollywood treasure. Love you just the way you are , A cinema , a cinema, a cinema." [Lyrics coming from the ipod] 

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