Tuesday, October 25, 2011

CE]Turkey struggle.

I found this interesting news here

"Rescue teams are striving to reach many people believed to be trapped under rubble after an earthquake in eastern Turkey that killed at least 272 people and injured at least 1,300 people."
    Turkey has had it hard. 272 people killed and over 1000 injured is just horrible. I feel really bad about this and I hope people would donate lots of stuff to them like food,money, and clothes. You just think about how mother nature is a complete ass to us. First, 1906 eathquake back in frisco, earthquake in Japan that caused the Tsunami and now this terrible earthquake in Turkey. This makes me just want to spit at mother nature in her face. Natural disasters in this world hasn't ever stopped. And California is lucky we haven't had no big earthquakes in over a hundred years.
    A lot of people take this world for granted , but they won't when all these natural disasters take away there home, family or even there life. I hope Turkey reset's and collect there selves from this tragedy.  Now it's got the world thinking. If I was rich I would make this big globe that's indestructible to my country not be effected by hurricanes and disasters. To avoid earthquakes I would also make this structure underground so when the cement breaks we won't fall down to the ground or something like that. I don't know they're are a few ideas that might attempt of doing if I become a multimillionaire or something. Right now lets pray for Turkey and hope that they recover from this disaster that has poured upon them. Thank god that the Rescue teams has come and are attempting to rescue all those people who are injured right now, that is the first step of recovering.

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