Tuesday, October 11, 2011


     Steve Jobs is a boss. He is the creator of apple. Without him there wouldn't be all this ipods, computers, iphones, you name it. Him giving us all this stuff is very generous of him. Although we have to pay a lot to buy his stuff it's really worth it. Everyone could trust Apple! R.I.P Steve Jobs an amazing person.
     My advice is take a risk. Make a big choices. Don't care what anyone say about your choices because it might end up helping you in the later on in your life. For example, everyone  gave Al Davis shit because he picked up Sebastian Janikowski  first round and look where he is now. He's the leading scorer for the Raiders now. Another person Al Davis picked up was Michael Huff, guess what. He saved the game for us against the Texans by getting the winning interception. Lastly, Nnamdi Asomugha was drafted and people told him that he couldn't be a corner back and now look at him , he's one of the best cornerback in the league.
     If I followed this advice I would probably have no time for anyone because I'd just be doing homework and  work out like everyday because I really want to go to the NFL. I'll do whatever it takes to get in. Right now I'm just getting my grades together and focus on school so I can go back to playing football for my school. Really if I followed I would probably end up either succesful or in a big upset because I never made it. There will always be something in my way, there will always something slowing me down and sometimes I might get sucked into that and fall. I made a big choice and it wasn't doing my work and it did not work at all. It's crushing my dreams. My advice I would give people for this is to take a risk. You might never know what might happen it's either right or wrong. There will always be some positive or negative effect no matter what you do. Lets say a teacher becomes racist and I feel insulted then I start firing on him punch for punch because I'm fighting for me and my people. The negative is me getting trouble but the positive is me making a stand and hopefully the teacher will stop. But, for sure I'll be suspended from school that's another upside. Who likes going to school everyday dealing with a racist teacher. I'm just saying from my perspective. Another example is Matt Schaub taking a risk to throw the ball instead of running to the end zone to win the game. He threw the ball and it ended up being an interception to win the game He took that risk and threw it into coverage and payed the price. Bad thing is that he lost the game for his team and the good thing is that the Raiders won . Especially for Al Davis. Sometimes it's worth taking chance making a choice that will have  a good or bad impact on you.

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