Tuesday, October 18, 2011

CE] Kidnapped ):

   I found this disturbing event here

     Samalies been kid napping foreign women from Kenya. They have for four times in the last two month. They have kidnapped two spanish aid-workers , a disabled french women and kidnapped a wife after killing her husband.  It's obvious that they're kid napping foreigners because you don't here Kenyans getting kid napped . I think the Samalies are kid napping these people for money, or for a trap.
     I really think what there doing is wrong because they're innocent people being abducted and killed.      What can they possibly do to harm you, or at least after you checked. If they check them it wouldn't be a problem. I bet you one of them is thinking like they shouldn't trust them. But in the other hand, they probably just want to show that no one other than Africans are aloud there, that they want no part of foreign people. Abducting people without them doing absolutely nothing to you is a sign of, "HEY FOREIGN PEOPLE, GO HOME , WE DON;T WANT YOU HERE." Still they are wrong for kidnapping and killing because in God eyes we're all brothers and sisters. Hopefully people would put an end to this kid napping party because it could be possibly breaking there families apart. Those girls right now who are abducted could be suffering right now. They could either be abused, made fun of, being raped right now and a lot of other crucial and harsh things. I hope for something to happen to corrupt the Samalie's plans of kidnapping. Where's a hero when we need it?

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