Monday, October 3, 2011

[FP] Wtffbluud

     Are the New England Patriots treating Chad Ochocinco fairly? I don't think so. The Patriots are barley letting Ocho have playing time.  These are his stats right now this year. He has 7 catches for 113 yards and no Touchdowns. He's only getting the ball thrown to at him 2 or 3 times a game , maybe 4 but that's it. I think he's one of the best wide receivers still in this league. Last year wasn't his best year but he still managed to get over 800 yards and a few touchdowns. His overall stats for his career is 758 catches, 66 touchdowns and 10,896 yards. Chad is great and is useful. He's dependable when you need him. He has 6 years where he caught over 1000 yards and in 2006 he lead the league with 1,369 yards. 
     I don't know what excuse is the Patriots giving. Is that he don't know the plays? He's been in the league for 11 years he should be able to have a start in the line up. 1. Because he's a type of receiver that could catch those long passes and those clutchy 3rd down passes and corner passes. 2. He's also a Veteran. He knows what he has to do to the corners and safeties , he knows how to block, and one thing is he knows how to catch. The Patriots should give Ocho a chance. Him getting passed at 2 or 3 times a game aren't going to help the team nor him. They're going to be missing a lot if they don't let him play. They probably would be in the Superbowl this year if they let Ocho get more playing time. He would get more feel for the team and more chemistry with Tom Brady.

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