Thursday, September 29, 2011

[Monthly Essay] What makes us human.

The definitive characteristic of human being is Religion because it's what we believe in and pass it on to generation to generation. Religion is what separates us from everything else in the world. This is why we  have a good feeling on what's right or wrong. It is the respond to our questions.
Religion makes us human because it's what we've been taught with our lives.
     Humanity use to be together  but then all divided because people changed there beliefs, made new ones, made new morals and religion.  Our background is what we believe in, if someone tells us otherwise about what we believe in we get sensitive about it and all defensive to because we don't someone telling us what we've grew up with all our lives. Religion is the one of the many reasons why we have fights, discrimination and wars. For example, The Crusades. They fought to restore          Christian control to the holy land and that war lasted 3 centuries . Think about it Religion makes us who we are right now, the majority of the times our actions reflects on our religion and beliefs. We have a belief that we follow, like I believe in God and I know almost everything I do is a sin and it won't stop for as long as I live, but I just have to believe and have faith in God.  We all know the difference of what's good and bad mostly of religion because it's what have been learning our lives.
     Religion is what separates us from animals and other living things. For example, Muslims pray 5 times a day and what does animals do? Or flowers? Nothing that really has to do with religion just hunt and take care and for the plants they just stay there. Animals only go with groups of there own kinds the wild or be pets. They don't have any God or religion so far as we know.
There is no human out there without no beliefs because there's always have to be someone believing in  something if  People don't believe in God then obviously they believe in Science or some weird miracle that happened to create this world. Believing is one of the keys to Religion because without belief in your own religion you're just deceiving everybody and is an atheist at heart. For example, if you're forced to go to church with your parents and curse in church and show no respect to the Church what so ever you're dissing God and betraying him which is one thing that makes you so sinful.
     I think Religion is made up for answers to questions that everybody asks. Like, one question is Who created the universe? Who created this world? Christians believe that God created the world slowly day by day and it took him seven days to create it. And Atheist believes that this world was created by the big bang.  Another question that people ask is why do people look like this. As in having two eyes one nose, etc. We actually don't know why but in my religion we believe that God just created Adam and Eve and those were the first humans ever. Right now we only look like we do cause of Adam and Eve, but that's just me and that's what I think.
How to live Correctly? What's right or what's wrong? In the Holy Bible they're are 10 commandments. It's basically a list that you must not do. Another thing in the Bible it says all glory to God which means everything you do is for God. Another example of an answer on how to live correctly is following the Five Pillars of Islam which is faith, charity, praying, fasting and pilgrimage.  Religion is a life style of what people go by so they can live a good life. We know the consequences when we do wrong and for Christians if we kill someone we'll go to hell if we don;t ask for forgiveness and keep on killing continually
     Now this is the biggest question. Where do you go after you die? A lot of people uses religion just to hear what they want to hear which might be dying and living a paradise after life in Heaven. For example, being a Christian or Catholic. People don't want to just die and not go anywhere, they want to live in Paradise. But what most people don't know is if you die you don;t go straight to heaven or hell, you have to wait until Jesus come back and that's Judgement day , when the world ends. We'll never know when the world will end.
     To me Religion is what makes us. Everyone has a religion weather you're a Christian, Muslim, Atheist and all the others deep down. Religion in my opinion is what you believe in when it comes to how this world is created, where do you go when you're dead and questions like that. We all have the same questions but different answers, that's where all these religions fall in place. They fill in those answers but makes more questions for us as in, who created God? People ask that question because everybody comes from something. Religion has been answering almost every question that's as common like , "Why did the apple fall off the tree?" "Cause God made it fall" Since the beginning of time. People changes there religion for a lot of things but a couple of them are is because they're convinced or because they need it. For example, I have a friend that use to believe in God but bad stuff kept on happening to him so now he doesn't believe in god and is an atheist.  .
     Religion is a the definitive characteristic of a Human being because it's been passed down since the beginning of time. There is no other species out there other than us who have religion. Religion is a life style and an answer to a lot of questions. Religion is what makes a human being.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[FP] Martian.

     "I can't hide anymore.  At first I thought being this will be fun, I thought It would be nice to have everyone on my side, to have things my way. To look good for once. Don't get me wrong it's fun being something you're not at first, but when you really think about it you're only damaging yourself. Being someone or something I'm not feels like I'm drowning or like a bird trapped in a cage and can't get out. I'm my own black hole, the person I use to be got sucked inside and never came back. The only thing left of him is his conscience. Look! I've been contemplating about this for about some time now. These thoughts are hurting my head, it's like as if someone laid my head on a block of ice and just stomped on my face repeatedly. I've done lots of horrible things.. I've been deceiving everyone for a few years now.  I killed someone. Yes..  Well don't take one blink." I start grabbing my temple and rip it off. 
      Looking up at the sky feeling the wind blow through my forehead feels like I'm swimming in the skies and I just gout out under the clouds. Throwing the handsome face I just took off I go back and look at the person in the eyes. "And still you just look at me. You're not surprised or anything. You're face so motionless. Okay. Time to go now. Bye." I drop the mirror into the ocean. I puts my hood up and walk to my friends house, stopping and staring at it, tears rushed down slowly like how me and my friend use to walk like slugs to his house after school. "I can't believe I sacrificed my friendship, my family, everything I've done and killed a person just to be noticed and be the popular guy that everyone likes..Well, I was noticed alright. But as someone else." I run and run  until I get to the parking lot for the movie theater. Taking a good look at how high it is, I nod my head and run up stairs all the way to the top of the parking lot. I start texting my friend, telling him everything I've done and that he'll always be my brother.  I'm now on top of the edge and the message has sent. Thinking about all the memories he and I shared and now I close my eyes, start spreading my arms and lean forward to fall.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

[CE] Equal

"Our nation will finally close the door on a fundamental unfairness for gays and lesbians, and indeed affirm equality for all Americans,'' the California Democrat said.
This quote comes from this article.

     I feel that letting gays and lesbians join the US Army is the right choice because what difference does it make if A straight Person and a Gay person joins the army? They all want to fight for our country so why does it matter if your gay, lesbian, bi, straight or whatever. Everybody is equal. I'm happy that all types of people get to fight for America now and it will definitely make a big impact on our nation because we will get other strong guys and ladies.
     But there's always a wrong in almost everything and I can find a couple of wrongs on letting gays join the army. 1 thing is, they might be all over the dude or girl when they're changing or something. Another thing that's probably going to be a problem is that there's going to be homophobic people and that could make the person who's gay feel bad. Last thing is if there's people who's already getting teased by there own fellow mates, you don't know what they say to the lesbians or gays. I guess the making fun part won't be a problem because most of them have been teased all there life and already used to it. Honestly all I could say is I'm happy that America has matured and let everybody join the army no matter what sex orientation you have because we're one nation and all the army, marines, navy and the air force are here to protect us with every recruit we can get.

Monday, September 19, 2011

[RE] Who could ever foresee the Raiders taking over? I do.

I found this quote from Stevo's blog.
I believe that the Raiders will shock the National Football League.
     I'm with Stevo one-hundred percent on this because in this season the raiders have made another good draft picks.  Denarius Moore is one of our best receivers out of many in the Raiders and he's only a rookie. Moore had his first start yesterday against the Buffalo Bills. He has caught the ball five times in a total of 146 yards and one touchdown over two defensive backs. For a Rookie, ain't that amazing? He's going to do great for the Raiders this year will surprise everyone and make all those people that betrayed against them and likes another team, come back to the Raiders baby.  DeMarcus Van-Dyke is a good rookie corner back I think he has more potential than our starting corner Chris Johnson. Now picking up Terelle Pryor was a good choice to make because he's 6'6 fast Quarter Back. He's not just tall, he's also fast and can QB sneak it real easily. His stats for Ohio State last year was 2,730 pass yards, 26 Touch Downs, 8 Interceptions and 660 rush yards. After he gets out his suspension, I wouldn't be surprise of him doing great when he takes Campbell's spot when he's tired.
     With those key people we drafted and pick up and the team we already, I wouldn't be surprised if we go to the play offs. Everybody will be shocked this season and start hopping the raiders band wagon. Everybody who's talking that smack will shut up because Raiders going to come in and have a winning record making it to the play offs and then to the super bowl. That's all I have to say.