Saturday, September 17, 2011

[Column Post] Gotti

                              Prompt: A person is looking for an object in a darkened room 

     I'm in a pitched black room. I'm constantly moving around, trying to look for the door out of this room. No matter what I do, I find myself running and running continuously. My heart is beating so loud it's piercing through my ears making it feel like that it's bleeding. I'm dripping with sweat and I'm also wheezing every time I inhale and exhale, it's like there's dust in my throat. I cough my hardest to stop the itchiness and wheezing. Looking ahead I see a figure. It's eyes illuminated the spot where it stood. Now I see clearly who it is, it's the girl I love. I have the feeling of fireworks exploding all inside my chest. I want to say something but nothing won't come out as if my mouth is stitched. My eyes starts to widen, my face is steaming but I feel like I'm freezing, I can't breathe and now I'm choking. She's laughing so cutely while I start weakening and start going down on my knees, coughing out butterflies that flew from my stomach to out of my mouth. Slowly I start feeling a warm type of liquid coming out from my knees. Touching the liquid with my finger tips and tasting it. "Yuck." I said. The liquid had that metallic, thick taste and warmness. It's blood.
     My beloved starts walking to me slowly. She starts rubbing my chin so soft feeling like fluffy cat fur then she pokes my heart with her index finger. The feeling of her poke feels like a sword impaling through me. The feeling of drowsiness came, I slowly fall on my face and the blood started rushing out of my face like a volcano cause of this floor of broken glass. With every ounce of my energy I put my head up to take one last look of her, she ran and the light from her eyes vanished.
      Waking up all sweaty and cold, touching my face, there's no cuts or anything just my acne. There's no blood, no floor of broken glass or anything. Everything is gone and so is my love. "My love!" I screamed. Getting up quickly and shouting,"Where are you! Come back! I need you!" There wasn't any sign of her, the only person that replied was the Greek Goddess, Echo. A burst of tears starts running down my cheeks like a beautiful waterfall. I begin to run again in the direction she ran like I was running from a pack of wild wolfs, then I  stopped cause I'm gassed from all this running. "God dammit." I shouted. "This is not real. You're in a dream. You can wake up anytime now or stay here for a while and take control of your dream." A creepy, mysterious voice said. "I could take control?" I asked myself.
     A door two steps ahead appears. I go to the door and open it. I go in and there goes my lovely standing there brightening a big portion of this dark room we're in. I grab her hand and now we're staring at each other. "I love you." she says. I bit my lip so hard, blood pours out. "Oh sorry, hun, let me wash this. I said nervously. "No." She says, then she surprisingly kisses me. The kiss felt like I a trip to heaven. After that everything corrupted, everything got blurry and now I can't see again. I woke up. Everything is gone, what I looked for was real, what I found was fake, nothing, gotti.

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