Wednesday, September 7, 2011

[RE]Trust, blargh .

 I think you should trust anyone and everyone unless you truly know they can't be trusted.

 This is from Leslie's blog; In this post Leslie thinks that we could trust everyone unless you know for sure that they can't be trusted. I disagree with that saying because you never know what anybody could do. For example, Last year my team and I were all in the locker room changing and talking. My friend leaves his 40 something dollars inside is hat on the bench, turned around then looked back and nothing was there. The money was gone. His own teammate stole money from him, that said I think you shouldn't trust anybody until you fully know you can and that takes time. 

It's a bad habit to trust people you don't know because most of the time that leads into stuff missing, rumors and such and such. I think I see where you're getting at, you want to give everyone a chance and trust them unless you know what they done or did. Trusting everyone you don't know is like leaving your Wallet full of cash in McDonalds for an hour , Odds of you getting your wallet  back is low. There's always going to be that one bad apple that you don't know about and will take that cash. It's hard right now to even trust your best friends because I told my deepest and darkest secret to one of them and told him not to tell anyone..After I left he told a number of people including his mom. He was not suppose to tell anyone and he did, so that's why I disagree with your statement on even considering to trust everybody unless you know fully they can't be trusted. 

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