Tuesday, September 13, 2011

[CE] Cowards.

 I just found this interesting news story.
Four children and a driver of a school bus have been killed after gunmen opened fire on the vehicle in northwestern Pakistan.

      What the gunmen did to those people on the bus is horrible. Especially kids! Are they crazy. It's ashamed to know that people in this world would actually harm innocent children. The Taliban killed 4 children and injured 14 other people in the bus. I understand why they did it. It's because the the tribesman joined forces with the government. Two of the tribesmen in Matani formed militias to oppose the Taliban infiltration into Peshawar from Afghanistan. The militias are supported by the government and killed or captured Taliabn fighters over the last 18 months. In return, they and their families have been targeted.  Betrayal  is a bad thing, I get it but they shouldn't take it out on the kids, just grownups at least.  The majority of the attacks by the Taliban targeted security forces and government  but, civilians have also been hit. The Taliban are cowards for killing and harming  innocent children and civilians because they won't fight the Pakistani army.
     My opinion on this is that the Taliban should focus on fighting back the Tribesmen instead of attacking innocent people. The Taliban are horrible and full of cowards because they have to bring all the other people into their fight. If that happened me or any of my friends and family members I would want those people to be tortured. I would want them to feel the same way they made the childrens' families feel. The families that had there children killed won't ever forget it and the pain will stay with them forever.

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