Wednesday, September 21, 2011

[FP] Martian.

     "I can't hide anymore.  At first I thought being this will be fun, I thought It would be nice to have everyone on my side, to have things my way. To look good for once. Don't get me wrong it's fun being something you're not at first, but when you really think about it you're only damaging yourself. Being someone or something I'm not feels like I'm drowning or like a bird trapped in a cage and can't get out. I'm my own black hole, the person I use to be got sucked inside and never came back. The only thing left of him is his conscience. Look! I've been contemplating about this for about some time now. These thoughts are hurting my head, it's like as if someone laid my head on a block of ice and just stomped on my face repeatedly. I've done lots of horrible things.. I've been deceiving everyone for a few years now.  I killed someone. Yes..  Well don't take one blink." I start grabbing my temple and rip it off. 
      Looking up at the sky feeling the wind blow through my forehead feels like I'm swimming in the skies and I just gout out under the clouds. Throwing the handsome face I just took off I go back and look at the person in the eyes. "And still you just look at me. You're not surprised or anything. You're face so motionless. Okay. Time to go now. Bye." I drop the mirror into the ocean. I puts my hood up and walk to my friends house, stopping and staring at it, tears rushed down slowly like how me and my friend use to walk like slugs to his house after school. "I can't believe I sacrificed my friendship, my family, everything I've done and killed a person just to be noticed and be the popular guy that everyone likes..Well, I was noticed alright. But as someone else." I run and run  until I get to the parking lot for the movie theater. Taking a good look at how high it is, I nod my head and run up stairs all the way to the top of the parking lot. I start texting my friend, telling him everything I've done and that he'll always be my brother.  I'm now on top of the edge and the message has sent. Thinking about all the memories he and I shared and now I close my eyes, start spreading my arms and lean forward to fall.

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