Monday, September 12, 2011

[RE] Why think about the bad stuff.

I found this quote from Rowland's blog.

I tend to not like remembering bad stuff from the past. I mean, if it's bad why should you keep it in your mind? 

I'm definitely on Rowland's side because dwelling on the past won't help you move on. I think it's unnecessary to have a big celebration about this disaster that happened 10 years ago. Everybody say it's to honor the people that died. I see where there going, but if that's the case why don't we have a honor for all the people that died in the world because everybody wants to have a there respect for the dead right? It isn't fair how they have a big parade for the people who died in 9/1/1 but not for all the other people that died in this world too. I'm just saying if they have a big celebration and parade for 911 then they should have one for all the other people that died and especially the ones that died a hero.

I don't see why people can't drop it, what's done is done. I'm sick and tired of hearing 911. Having a celebration for it is just bringing up the past and the hurt. The bad things in the past will only make you feel melancholy and or make you do crazy things that will cause harm for people and yourself. It's unhealthy and will only weaken you. By the way I think it's stupid how people say that the ones who got caught up in the 911 are heroes because they died. The only heroes of  911 were the people who actually fought back for us. People shouldn't celebrate and have parades about this because it's not going to do you any good. Thinking about bad stuff that happened for example how I got arrested for being blamed for stealing won't change a thing. A suggestion is to pray for them to pay your respect and honor those who have died.

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