Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Track 1:Intro

My name is Nicholas Collins. I was born on November 25th 1995 in Berkely California. My hobbies are hooping, going on the internet and drawing. I like hooping and drawing because it takes out the anger, boredom, happiness and sadness and it's fun. I go on the internet because I like going on it searching weird stuff and looking up words that caught my attention in songs or what people said and it kills time when I'm doing nothing. It may not look like it but I'm half Creole and Filipino. 

In class once I get in a rhythm no one could stop me or distract me when I'm doing my work, but if I wrote like 1 or 2 things down and someone distracts me I might be talking for the whole period. As a student I'm soso, I can be bad and can be good. In the past my teachers would say,"Nick is a good student but he talks to much, can't stay in one place and such and such." My favorite movie is Friday because it's so funny and I love the actors in it. The sports I play right now is nothing. I would be playing football right now but my grades were horrible at the end of last year. I'm going to try out for the Junior Varsity basketball team this year and if I don't make I'll just go into off season football. My goal in art is to take more time to make my drawing look as realistic as possible. Another goal is to paint, I did painting last year for art and I was horrible at it, it wasn't even funny. I wish to paint in the margins and choose my colors wisely. 
An adventure I had was one Saturday last year, my friend  called the Taxi to go to a certain place and I opened the door got in side and yelled gotti to the taxi driver and ran away. One time when my friends and I were trying to make an adventure we dinged dong ditched this house with open curtains and lights, we heard a dog barking , turned around and the lights were off curtain closed. I was scared. For an adventure I want to go to haunted place and spend a night there. I would also like to go to another world so I could come back write about it show pictures and such. I also want to make a trip to the Bermuda triangle because it seems interesting, I don't believe that there's missing people there or something and I want to prove it.  Most people don't know that I write poems and I like being scared of scary things from movies and stuff. My writing goal is to understand what my whole class is writing because I hate coming up to a word I don't know. I also wish to put my writing in place and have it organized so my essay or whatever wouldn't be all out of place. 

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