Wednesday, September 14, 2011

[FE]Track 3:Aniretac (Part 1)

     "What's taking over me. Why does she want me to go off and kill all the people I love and care about? Gosh, I haven't slept in 4 days. My mind is racing with sick and twisted thoughts." Caterina said. "You can't get rid of me cause I'm within you. Now go look at your bathroom mirror." Caterina's mind said playfully. Caterina  gets up from her bed and slowly walks to the bathroom door, turns on the light before getting in the bathroom. "Ahhhh." She screamed. Caterina's reflection is someone else.
     It's a girl with pink long hair, purple eyes with a cut in the middle of her forehead shaped like a inverted cross . "Who is that!?" Caterina screamed. "I'm you. I've been here since you were born. I want to reveal another part of you now. Hahaha." Aniretac said. (The reflection of Caterina in the Mirror) Caterina grabs the hair straightener that's by the outlet and hits the mirror repeatedly until it breaks while screaming her lungs out and crying. "Hey what are you doing, why did you break the mirror, what's wrong, sweetie!?" The Dad said with concern. "Get away from me, she's been telling me to kill you and hurt you.. Get away." Caterina screamed. "Who.?" The Dad said worriedly. Caterina's eyes darkened and the screaming and crying stopped as Aniretac took over. "Me!" Aniretac said devilishly. Aniretac grabs a big piece of glass shoving it in the Dad's chest. After that she grabs to small pieces of glass and shoves it in his eyes, laughing when the blood rushed down to his cheeks. Lastly she grabs the hair straightener and hits him in the throat repeatedly until she began to get bored of doing it.  "Who's next." Aniretac said to herself while giggling.

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